Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Political Postings...

I am feeling knocked down and trod upon by all the political bombs flying through the air.  That doesn't mean I'm not going to haul myself back up and do my part, but I find my part is becoming more difficult.  There are so many slurs, so much to check up on, so many lies to defend  and so much to be defused.  Politics never used to be so complicated, but we are now using more media and posting more personal viewpoints than even 4 years ago.  Sometimes I just have to back away from it all and try to get a more clear viewpoint.  I call myself an Independent -- because there are buffoons on both sides, and I am not about to vote a straight party line on either side.  There are too many legitimate arguments, and I have to find my place among them, back those I can understand and agree with, and base my opinions on what I learn by myself to be the truth.  If you comment on my pages - here or on Facebook, please cite your information - I will be checking it.  I don't want to hear tea party rhetoric without facts, nor religious baby food trying to reduce humanity to whatever beliefs you hold at the time.  I have my own set of standards and ethics, and I won't be trying to change yours to meet mine.  I ask the same of posters on my pages.

I have a sense of humor, and I do allow some leeway there, but only if it is not mean spirited or perhaps too far toward one side of the other.  Bear  in mind it is the office that holds the respect, not the being who happens to occupy that office,
and we'll get through this upcoming bombardment just fine...

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